Moon is up! Percent Illuminated: 78.384 % Magnitude: -12.48 Moonrise was at 2024/12/10 19:47:14 Moonset at 2024/12/11 08:59:01 Length of moonshine: 13:11:47
Next first quarter Moon: 2025/1/6 23:56:15 Next full Moon: 2024/12/15 09:01:38 Next last quarter Moon: 2024/12/22 22:18:08 Next new Moon: 2024/12/30 22:26:45
Sol data
Daytime: False
Astronomical twilight begins: 2024/12/10 11:41:21
Nautical twilight begins: 2024/12/10 12:10:27
Civil twilight begins: 2024/12/10 12:40:09
Sunrise: 2024/12/10 13:06:19
Transit: 2024/12/10 18:14:43
Sunset: 2024/12/10 23:23:01
Civil twilight ends: 2024/12/10 23:49:11
Nautical twilight ends: 2024/12/11 00:18:53
Astronomical twilight ends: 2024/12/11 00:47:59
Length of day: 10:16:42
Next solstice: 2024/12/21 09:20:21
Next equinox: 2025/3/20 09:01:15
Jovian Moons
12/11 05:47:22 Now
12/11 03:00:00 gc e i ♃
12/11 06:00:00 gc ie ♃
12/11 09:00:00 g c i e ♃
12/11 12:00:00 g c i e
12/11 15:00:00 g c i ♃ e
12/11 18:00:00 g c i ♃ e
12/11 21:00:00 g c i e
12/12 00:00:00 gc ♃ i e
12/12 03:00:00 g c ♃ i e
12/12 06:00:00 gc ♃ i e
12/12 09:00:00 c ♃ i e
12/12 12:00:00 gc i e
12/12 15:00:00 ♃c i e
12/12 18:00:00 i cg e
12/12 21:00:00 i ♃ c e
12/13 00:00:00 i ♃ cg
East is to the right i = Io, e = Europa, g = Ganymede, c = Callisto